Broken buttons
Buttons that don’t work are annoying and result in rage clicks from customers. Silktide shows you which buttons fail across all your web pages.

Failing forms
Broken forms are bad for UX and for conversions. If you can’t collect user data, then important events like signups and checkouts stop working.

Missing contacts
If you list phone numbers and email addresses on your website that aren’t also links, people will click on them, and nothing will happen.
Video Transcript
A red head in a blue turtle neck scrolls absent-mindedly through a council website, learning about local events.
Voice over:
So I’m scrolling through a website and this heading caught my eye, so I clicked on it, but nothing happened.
The red head clicks the heading repeatedly, getting more frustrated.
Voice over:
Whether it’s phone numbers, email addresses or headings, if you expect to be able to click on something and it doesn’t work, it’s annoying and it’s likely you’ve had this experience too.
Let me ask you. Did you write in to the website owner and let them know? I didn’t.
The red head closes the council website, and listens to pop music.
Voice over:
So how would you know if you had this sort of problem on your website? In Silktide Analytics, we call this Frustration and we measure this across your entire web estate.
A heatmap is overlayed onto a webpage, showing where users are clicking their mouse.
Voice over:
Because fixing the problem might take 5 minutes, but finding it could take forever. When it comes to your website, your visitors often know more about using it than you do. Let us help you listen to them.
To find out more about Silktide Analytics, visit Silktide dot com, forward slash, analytics.
What is Frustration?
Frustration is when a visitor does something that suggests they are frustrated with your web page. Silktide Analytics remembers when a visitor clicks or taps on something and nothing happens for a few seconds.
For example, say you try to fill in a form and press the “submit” button, and it doesn’t do anything. No errors, no loading messages, just nothing. That’s frustration.
What we often see is people clicking on things they expect to be clickable, like headings, or images, and getting frustrated when that doesn’t do anything.
This often tells you where you’re missing something important that they want. In Silktide Analytics, Frustration is shown to you as a heat map.